Kim Miller
and the

 Called  and Chosen  and Faithful
The world was overconfident
The Unsealings
Daniel 12:9 "And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end."

The key event in the unsealing of the Book of Daniel and prophecy as a whole was the 1991 Fall of the Soviet Union. It signaled "the time of the end." The Lord has patiently waited until the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of the 7th millennium to release the Unsealings. You will now understand the meaning of world history.
You will understand it nowhere else.

The Unsealings have begun.  Go in order.  Fear God.
Click on the titles below to read the Unsealings. All documents listed are stored in Adobe® Acrobat format.
Unsealings 1-100 Unsealings 101-200 Unsealings 201-300 Unsealings 301-400 Unsealings 401-500
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Unsealings 2501-2600 Unsealings 2601-2700 Unsealings 2701-2800 Unsealings 2801-2900

Unsealing Number Unsealing Title
#401 The First Oswald Head Wound - The relationship between the "at the Beginning"/"Forerunner" 7th Head Great Britain and "the Time of the End" 7th Head Soviet Union
#402 The First Oswald Head Wound - The Revolutionary War is prophetically tied indirectly to the Space Race to show Great Britain to be the "forerunner" 7th Head
#403 The First Oswald Head Wound - The "at the Beginning" James Lovell vs. the "forerunner" 7th Head Great Britain, and "the Time of the End" James Lovell vs. the 7th Head Red Beast Soviet Union
#404 The First Oswald Head Wound - "In the Beginning": James Lovell and Apollo 8, December 24, 1968
#405 The First Oswald Head Wound - John F. Kennedy: The foremost person in the 7th Head vs. 8th Head Space Race to the Moon
#406 The Second Oswald Head Wounds - John F. Kennedy and the Space Race wounding of the 7th Head USSR
#407 The Second Oswald Head Wounds - The Second Oswald Head Wounds
#408 The Second Oswald Head Wounds - The two Space Race connections between the "forerunner" 7th Head Great Britain and the 7th Head Red Beast USSR
#409 The Men Named Lennon and Lenin - Great Britain's "Imagine there's no heaven" Lennon and the Soviet Union's "Imagine there's no heaven" Lenin
#410 The Men Named Lennon and Lenin - Daniel 12:8: What shall be the end of these things? The December 8, 1980, End of Lennon forecast the December 8, 1991, End of Soviet Leninism
#411 The Men Named Lennon and Lenin - The December 8-10, 1991, End of Soviet Leninism
#412 The Men Named Lennon and Lenin – An 11-year spread (April 22, 1870 – April 22, 1881) tied to Lenin’s birth/Lenin’s birth of the USSR; an 11-year spread (December 8, 1980 – December 8, 1991) tied to the death of Lenin’s USSR
#413 The Men Named Lennon and Lenin - The Genesis 11 City of Babel and Lenin's Soviet Union
#414 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - Why Genesis 11 Babel is linked with the Fall of the Soviet Union
#415 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Earth of One Speech: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union and "Making the World Safe for Democracy"
#416 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - One World, One People
#417 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - Lennon's death on December 8, 1980, forecast the "One World, One People" spirit of Genesis 11 that came 11 years later with Soviet Leninism's death on December 8, 1991
#418 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - "Imagine" World Peace, through Democracy
#419 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Double Fantasy Death of Lennon, part 1
#420 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Double Fantasy Death of Lennon, part 2
#421 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Rise and the Removal of the Latter Day Genesis 11:6-7 Restrainer and Confounder, part 1, The Restrainer
#422 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - Woodrow Wilson's 'Babel' Partnership of Democratic Nations
#423 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Rise and the Removal of the Latter Day Genesis 11:6-7 Restrainer and Confounder, part 2, The November 6-7 Birth of the USSR
#424 Ending the USSR to Build the Second Babel - The Rise and the Removal of the Latter Day Genesis 11:6-7 Restrainer and Confounder, part 3, John Lennon's Death at 11:07 p.m.
#425 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - Revealing the Time of the End
#426 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - "Imagine there's no Heaven" vs. "One Nation, Under God"
#427 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - In God's eyes, "One Nation, Under God" represents "Imagine there's no Heaven"
#428 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - John Lennon's 51st birthday and the end of V. I. Soviet Leninism
#429 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - "One Nation Under God" is the counterfeit of the 1 Peter 2:9 Holy Nation of God, part 1
#430 Time Magazine, December 9, 1991 - "One Nation Under God" is the counterfeit of the 1 Peter 2:9 Holy Nation of God, part 2
#431 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - From the "forerunner" 7th Head Great Britain to the 7th Head Soviet Union
#432 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The Husband Presidents, part 1, Each Married on January 6, 186 years apart
#433 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The Husband Presidents, part 2, George means Husbandman
#434 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The Husband Presidents, part 3, Antichrist Husbands/Heads of the Church
#435 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The Husband Presidents, part 4, The Husbands/Heads give Wounds to the 7th Heads Great Britain and the Soviet Union
#436 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The Husband Presidents, part 5, George Washington as Husband/Head on January 6, 1759, and Husband/Head on April 30, 1789
#437 George Washington, the counterfeit Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone - The Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, is the Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone
#438 George Washington, the counterfeit Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone - The Living Stone President: Robert R. Livingston swears in George Washington on April 30, 1789
#439 George Washington, the counterfeit Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone - George Washington as Husband/Head on April 30, 1789, and Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone on April 30, 1789
#440 George Washington, the counterfeit Living Stone/Chief Cornerstone – The Living Stone(s) Body of Americans: Robert R. Livingston and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence
#441 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The passage of 1 Peter 2:4-9: From President George Washington (who defeated the "forerunner" 7th Head Great Britain) to President George Bush (who defeated the 7th Head Soviet Union)
#442 George Washington to George H. W. Bush - The "One Nation Under God" counterfeit of the 1 Peter 2:9 Holy Nation of God
#443 Many Shall Be Made White - Daniel 12:10
#444 Many Shall Be Made White - White Russia on December 10, 1991
#445 Many Shall Be Made White - Daniel 12:10 and Isaiah 1:18: Scarlet/Red vs. White
#446 Many Shall Be Made White - December 8-10, 1991: When Red Russians were made White Russians
#447 Many Shall Be Made White - The Red Revolution and the White Revolution
#448 Many Shall Be Made White - The Color Revolutions
#449 Many Shall Be Made White – The Age of Reason, part 1, The Thinkers: The Age of Reason vs. Come Now, and Let Us Reason Together
#450 Many Shall Be Made White - The Age of Reason, part 2, More on the Age of Reason
#451 Many Shall Be Made White - The Age of Reason, part 3, The Age of Reason and the American 'Scarlet' Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian 'Red October' Revolution
#452 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - Common Sense, Rights of Man, Age of Reason
#453 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men’s Souls – Common Sense: Fanning the flames of the American Revolution
#454 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - These are the times that try men's souls
#455 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - These are the times that try men's souls and Daniel 12:10
#456 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The ordained irony of These are the times that try men's souls
#457 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The U.S. Flag in scripture: Honoring Old Glory on 6/14
#458 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The two Thomas Paines to Try Men's Souls
#459 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - James Lovell and Thomas Paine in the Revolutionary War; James Lovell and Thomas Paine in the Cold War "Space Race"
#460 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Times that Try Men's Souls include 'the Time of the End' Cold War
#461 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Hour of Temptation and the Church of Philadelphia, part 1
#462 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Hour of Temptation and the Church of Philadelphia, part 2, The Matthew 4:8-9 Tempter's Temptation and the Revelation 3:10 Hour of Temptation
#463 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Hour of Temptation and the Church of Philadelphia, part 3, Trying Men's Souls with the offering of a Kingdom of this World and its Glory
#464 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Hour of Temptation and the Church of Philadelphia, part 4, Trying Men's Souls with the offering of the kingdom birthed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
#465 Thomas Paine and God Trying Men's Souls - The Hour of Temptation and the Church of Philadelphia, part 5, January 10's Common Sense and Revelation 3:10
#466 Pikes Peak and America the Beautiful - A present-day Mountain and present-day Kingdom of Matthew 4:8-9
#467 Pikes Peak and America the Beautiful - The March 28 Death of "America the Beautiful's" Katharine Bates and Matthew 4:8
#468 Pikes Peak and America the Beautiful - Who loved their country more than self
#469 Pikes Peak and America the Beautiful - Crowning Thy Good with Brotherhood vs. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers
#470 The Unholy Concord - The Role of Concord, Massachusetts
#471 The Unholy Concord - April 19, 1775: What Concord hath Christ with Belial?
#472 The Unholy Concord - The April 15, 1775, Order to March to Concord
#473 The Unholy Concord - The Concord Bridge and Concord's Revolutionary War Pastor
#474 The Unholy Concord - The March 28 Death of "America the Beautiful's" Katharine Bates, then 11 days to April 8, then 11 days to the April 19 Birth of "America the Beautiful" at Concord
#475 The Unholy Concord - Matthew 4:8: Why the Revolutionary War began on April 19, 1775
#476 The Original Thirteen (13) States - Why there were Thirteen (13) Original States: The Number of Rebellion and the First War on Record
#477 The Original Thirteen (13) States - Lot's Separation from Abram in Genesis 13
#478 The Original Thirteen (13) States - April 19, 1775: The choice between the City of Heavenly Jerusalem vs. the earthly "One Nation Under God"
#479 The Original Thirteen (13) States - The Lord's Analogy of the Thirteen (13) Original States of America and Genesis 13:13 Sodom
#480 The Original Thirteen (13) States - The Tempter's Analogy of the Thirteen (13) Original States of America and the City of Heavenly Jerusalem ("O Mother Dear, Jerusalem")
#481 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - Genesis 13:13 and the Genesis 19:24 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Revelation 13:13
#482 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - The Death of V. I. Lenin in 1924
#483 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - The Recognition of the Soviet Union on February 1, 1924, 11 days after Lenin's Death
#484 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - The Birth of George H. W. Bush in 1924
#485 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - '1924' USSR as a type of Genesis 19:24 Sodom
#486 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR is the Revelation 13:13 Judgment on the USSR
#487 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - America as a type of Genesis 13:13 Sodom, yet the USSR is likened to Genesis 13:13 Sodom through Revelation 13:13
#488 The Genesis 19:24 Judgment on the USSR - The seen Rain of Ruin out of heaven upon Japan and the abstract Rain of Ruin out of heaven upon the Soviet Union
#489 Red Armies vs. White Armies - Many Shall Be Made Red
#490 Red Armies vs. White Armies - Toward the Russian 'Red vs. White' Civil War of 1918-1920
#491 Red Armies vs. White Armies - The Russian 'Reds vs. Whites' Civil War of 1918-1920
#492 Red Armies vs. White Armies - The Time of the Finnish Whites, part 1
#493 Red Armies vs. White Armies - The Time of the Finnish Whites, part 2
#494 Red Armies vs. White Armies - The Time of the Finnish Whites, part 3, The Time of the Finnish foretold the Time of the End
#495 Red Armies vs. White Armies - The Time of the Finnish Whites, part 4, Daniel 12:6 and the December 6, 1917, Finnish Declaration of Independence
#496 Red Armies vs. White Armies - Isaiah 1:18 and the November 7, 1917, Bolshevik Revolution
#497 The Rise of Michael the Archangel - Daniel 12:1
#498 The Rise of Michael the Archangel - Michael the Archangel and War, part 1
#499 The Rise of Michael the Archangel - Michael the Archangel and War, part 2
#500 The Rise of Michael the Archangel - Michael the Archangel and Russia

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